Growing B2B revenues from Edge: Five new Telco services

Edge computing offers an opportunity for Telcos to grow their B2B businesses. This STL Partners report outlines five types of B2B edge services that Telcos can offer.

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Table of Content

  • Executive Summary

  • Introduction

  • Strategic principles for B2B telco edge

    • Telcos’ B2B businesses today

    • Three telco strategies for B2B edge

    • On-premise edge and network edge are separate opportunities

    • Telcos are open to partnering with the hyperscalers for edge

  • Five types of B2B edge services

    • Edge-to-cloud networking

    • Private edge infrastructure

    • Network edge platforms

    • Multi-edge and cloud orchestration

    • Vertical solutions

  • Evaluating the opportunity: How should telcos prioritise?

    • It’s not just about technology

    • However, significant value creation does not come easy

    • Telcos should consider new business models to ensure success

  • Next steps for telcos in building B2B edge services

    • Prioritise services to monetise edge

    • Evaluate the role of partners

    • Work closely with customers given that edge is still nascent

  • Appendix

    • Interviewee overview

  • Index